
Sunset in Regensburg (photo: Mária Orendáčová)
Sunset in Regensburg (photo: Mária Orendáčová)
Gesandtenstraße in Regensburg (photo von: Mária Orendáčová)
Gesandtenstraße in Regensburg (photo von: Mária Orendáčová)

A wonderful week in Regensburg: Because small gestures have a big impact

Hello everyone! Have you ever experienced so many wonderful coincidences in a short space of time that it seems as if it couldn’t be a coincidence? I recently experienced just such a week, which I would like to tell you about in this blog post.

It all started on a Monday when I decided to go to a concert of Ukrainian folk music. But I had a lot of things to do beforehand: I had to go shopping and learn  since my final exams were coming up soon. To find an appropriate place for learning, I decided for one café in Maximilianstraße. I was so immersed in learning that I didn’t even notice at first that the waiter had come to my table. He offered me a portion of Italian pasta for free as it was left over. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

My next stop was the supermarket, where I made a huge purchase. I lugged four heavy shopping bags from the supermarket to the concert hall. The concert was great. I completely lost track of time because of the music, which got under my skin. But I still had to make my way home, which seemed like an eternity with the four heavy bags. “If only someone could help me with the bags,” I thought to myself. And suddenly, out of the blue, two friendly women appeared in front of me. “Hello, do you need help?” one of them asked me – and without waiting for my answer, she took two bags from me. The second woman took another bag so that I only had to carry one more bag. “Thank you, but the bags are super heavy,” I protested, although I was very grateful to the women for their help. However, they were determined to carry the bags for a bit. We had a good chat and after we had said goodbye, it was much easier with bags.

The next day, I experienced some more wonderful moments. When I was having lunch in a kebab shop, I remembered that I had forgotten to take a napkin from the counter. I was just about to get up when suddenly a woman who was still in the queue came to me with a napkin of her own accord. Before I could thank her, she had already disappeared.

After work in the office, I looked for a place to study again. I sat down in a nearby pizzeria to drink a cappuccino while I studied. I’ve been there before, twice in the past week alone, and I have always ordered a cappuccino. Before I could even tell the waitress what I want to order, the waitress came to my table with a cappuccino. Suddenly she seemed a little unsettled, “I hope you wanted a cappuccino,” said the friendly young woman. – “All good, thank you very much! I was just about to order a cappuccino, but you were quicker,” I replied with a smile.  Welcome to the world of regulars, where good humour and telepathic connections between guests and waiters prevail.

A day later, someone helped me again. It was once again about a bag story. I go to a Zumba class twice a week at a gym in Obertraubling. To save time, I do my shopping at a nearby supermarket beforehand. This means that I regularly lug my shopping bags to the gym and from there to the bus stop. When I was on my way from the gym to the bus stop, a woman who was at Zumba for the first time that day offered to drive me to the bus stop with my shopping bags. We had a nice chat on the way and she told me about her daughter, who is currently living in America.

Small gestures often have a big impact. A big thank you to everyone whose names I may not know, but who enabled me to experience this wonderful week in Regensburg.

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